A Study on the Establishment of the American YMCA Physical Department and Its Physical Activities (2): Focusing on its Physical Work 인문,사회과학편 : 미국 YMCA 체육부의 설립과 체육활동에 관한 연구(2) -체육부의 체육 사업을 중심으로-
이가람KaRamLee , 하정희JungHeeHa
53(6) 1-13, 2014
A Study on the Establishment of the American YMCA Physical Department and Its Physical Activities (2): Focusing on its Physical Work 인문,사회과학편 : 미국 YMCA 체육부의 설립과 체육활동에 관한 연구(2) -체육부의 체육 사업을 중심으로-
이가람KaRamLee , 하정희JungHeeHa
This study is a follow-up study of A Study on the Establishment of the American YMCA Physical Department and Its PhysicalActivities (Ⅰ). Having investigated the physical activities led by the YMCA physical department, this study were able to gainthe following results. First, the YMCA physical department promoted a business for cultivating and training physical directorsfor the purpose of producing human resources who were to lead physical works. Physical directors became a driving force forexpanding the physical works. Second, the YMCA physical department carried out a range of sport programs for summer andwinter seasons in order to seek salvation through body. In addition, the YMCA physical department planed to ensure thequality of the regular physical education classes and spread the physical works by holding athletic leagues, multi-sport events. Third, as a part of promoting physical activities, the YMCA physical department published a magazine called 『The Triangle』in 1891. It played a role in promoting physical activities led by the YMCA physical department, including the introduction ofnew sports and how the physical works developed. In this way, the physical activities having been carried out by the YMCAphysical department paved the way for the development of American sport. Moreover, as an advance guard for spreading thegospel overseas, physical directors, trained and cultivated by the YMCA department, had a significant effect on thedevelopment and the introduction of modern sport all around the world.
Key Words
YMCA, physical department, physical work
Sport Talks for Organizing the Unified Team of South and North Korea for the 35th The World Table Tennis Championships in Pyongyang, 1979 인문,사회과학편 : 제35회 평양 세계탁구선수권대회(1979) 남북단일팀 구성을 위한 체육회담
53(6) 15-25, 2014
Sport Talks for Organizing the Unified Team of South and North Korea for the 35th The World Table Tennis Championships in Pyongyang, 1979 인문,사회과학편 : 제35회 평양 세계탁구선수권대회(1979) 남북단일팀 구성을 위한 체육회담
The World Table Tennis Championships in Pyongyang was decided in Birmingham, England in Mar. 28, 1977. Internationaltable tennis federation recognized luring of The World Table Tennis Championships in Pyongyang because North Koreaguaranteed participation of South Korea, The USA, and Israel. North Korea suggested organization of the unified team ofSouth and North Korea in Feb. 20, 1979 when is two months before the Championships. South Korea accepted the suggestion. Then, South Korean government had negative view about suggestion of North Korea but South Korea government acceptedthe suggestion to know intention of North Korea for the suggestion and furthermore, to show spirit of ‘1.19 suggestion toNorth Korea’ of president Park Chung-hee. Basic strategy of South Korea for the talks was to ‘against organizing of unifiedteam’ and ‘independent participation’ of South Korean squad while Basic strategy of North Korea for the talks was ‘organizingof unified team’ and ‘blocking of independent participation’ of South Korean squad. Due to such contradictory strategy ofSouth and North Korea, talks of four times finished without any fruit.
Key Words
South and North Korea, sport talks, the 35th The World Table Tennis Championships
Exercise is a happiness. -Understanding through the brain neurophysiology- 인문,사회과학편 : 운동이 행복이다. -뇌신경생리학적 이해-
53(6) 27-38, 2014
Exercise is a happiness. -Understanding through the brain neurophysiology- 인문,사회과학편 : 운동이 행복이다. -뇌신경생리학적 이해-
Throughout the history of mankind, man has desperately searched for complete happiness, making it a purpose for living. For a lengthy period of time, the conception and ideologies of happiness was defined in the realms of religion and philosophy.However in the new modern era, happiness has also been viewed in an objective light. With this viewpoint, it has beenthought that by raising the quantifiable numbers of happiness, subjective happiness will also be benefited, and welfare policieshave been setup so that such theories will come to fruition. Also through the eyes of biomedicine, happiness is influenced byan individual’s genetic makeup. For example, if your genetic code is at an advantageous degree, the right neurotransmitterswill be released for you to experience more happiness. Some of the major neurotransmitters that allow you to experiencehappiness are BDNF, dopamine, Beta-endorphins, serotonin, and oxytocin. Also these 5 neurotransmitters are found to beinfluenced by exercise. As exercise is maintained, it allows accelerated release of these neurotransmitters. Exercise allowshappiness to be obtained.
The Reinterpretation of "Yon-Ko-Jeon Culture" 2: Yon-Ko-Jeon without Women, Gender Inequality in Sports 인문,사회과학편 : 연고전 문화의 재해석 2: 여성 없는 연고전, 특권화된 스포츠
53(6) 39-50, 2014
The Reinterpretation of "Yon-Ko-Jeon Culture" 2: Yon-Ko-Jeon without Women, Gender Inequality in Sports 인문,사회과학편 : 연고전 문화의 재해석 2: 여성 없는 연고전, 특권화된 스포츠
This study has chosen ‘the construction of Yon-Ko-Jeon’ as an object and analyzed it. Specifically, the analysis of this researchincludes how Yon-Ko-Jeon is constructed, what the problems are, and in what background it has formed and maintained sofar. For an objective analysis on the construction of Yon-Ko-Jeon, data were first classified using EthnographicMethodology(Spradley, 1980), followed by a process of analyzing them by applying both Feminism and Sociological Theory. In addition, Gender Studies were further applied. The researcher points out three factors (the exclusion of female athletes, theappearance of privileged men, uncritical members) as the problems of the construction of Yon-Ko-Jeon and analyzes them froma critical viewpoint. The results show that the construction of Yon-Ko-Jeon has been the same since 1965, only having five malesports (soccer, basketball, ice hockey, rugby, baseball) and excluding female athletes from participating in them. Accordingly,the construction of Yon-Ko-Jeon underlies Sexual Discrimination, Gender Inequality, and its structural constraints are beingcontinued due to the absence of reflexivity among the members.
Key Words
Yon-Ko-Jeon, Ko-Yon-Jeon, Yon-Ko-Jeon Culture, Intercollegiate Sports Rivalry, Sexual Discrimination & Gender Inequality in Sports
The Operation System and Implications of "The 0 period Physical Education Class": The Case Study about "Blue" Elementary School 인문,사회과학편 : 0교시 체육의 운영 시스템과 함의: 파랑 초등학교 사례연구
The Operation System and Implications of "The 0 period Physical Education Class": The Case Study about "Blue" Elementary School 인문,사회과학편 : 0교시 체육의 운영 시스템과 함의: 파랑 초등학교 사례연구
This study has been conducted to identify and investigate the school operation system which is implementing ‘0 periodphysical education’. Qualitative study method has been employed for current study and case study has been performed fromone school called ‘Blue’ elementary school which is performing ‘0 period physical education’ has been selected. Specifically, thequalitative study was conducted via 14 students and 4 teachers, and participant observation and in-depth interview wereconducted to collect data. Results was analyzed the transcriptions by using text mining techniques. Results are interpreted twoaspects. First, ‘0 period physical education’ operation system has been explained active utilization of niche time, reflectionphysical activity of school principal and teacher, point to achievement of goal through self-recorded card as perceived byacross the country program. Second, ‘0 period physical education’ has been understood as improving friendly relationshipsamong member, freely sport program based on school foundation, reinvention sport culture during lunch time, preferredculture of physical class, and students performance by vibrant first hour class.
Key Words
0 period physical education, physical education, school sports, case study
Discourse Analysis on Negative Perceptions of Physical Education 인문,사회과학편 : 체육의 부정적 인식 형성에 관한 담론 분석
김준성JunSungKim , 한만석ManSeokHan , 류태호TaeHoYu
53(6) 63-78, 2014
Discourse Analysis on Negative Perceptions of Physical Education 인문,사회과학편 : 체육의 부정적 인식 형성에 관한 담론 분석
김준성JunSungKim , 한만석ManSeokHan , 류태호TaeHoYu
The purpose of the study is to investigate reasons behind the negative perceptions on physical education and explore relatedsocial phenomena. The study was conducted in the six major areas in sport, where negative news are often reported: physicaleducation, interscholastic sports, sport organizations and governments, classes and strata, deviant behaviors, and gender issues. After reviewing 192 news articles in these six areas, published since 2000, 95 news articles were selected based on importance,repeatability, reprehensibility, and reliability for further analysis. The results show that after the effects of media on theconstruction of negative perception in physical education, the relationships between the discoursive practices and the existinghegemony were investigated. By doing so, the roles of media which interprets and delivers the discourses to people andaggravates the negative perceptions were shown. It was confirmed that the media creates the discourses and recreates thenegative perceptions.
Preference of audiences and changing their perception regarding soccer broadcasters 인문,사회과학편 : 축구 중계진행자에 대한 시청자 선호 및 인식 변화 탐색
이미송MiSongRhee , 구희영HeeYoungKoo
53(6) 79-95, 2014
Preference of audiences and changing their perception regarding soccer broadcasters 인문,사회과학편 : 축구 중계진행자에 대한 시청자 선호 및 인식 변화 탐색
이미송MiSongRhee , 구희영HeeYoungKoo
This study is to explore what kind of soccer broadcasters are favourite according to viewer with different knowledge level andalso to define the role of sport broadcasters and to recommend new sport broadcasting paradigm which is reflecting demandof audiences. This study chose phenomenological study of qualitative methodology to understand individual experience ofsports broadcasters. Participants were selected to purposeful sampling which satisfy standard of this study which is previouslyset. These participants consist of 3 groups of general public who didn’t have enough knowledge about a soccer and maniaswho were interested in soccer and professionals who were a soccer player. Data of this study were collected by interview anddocuments. Findings are as below: First, the preference for a soccer broadcaster according to viewers with different soccerknowledge is very different. Second, 2014 Brazil world cup had gave a great effect on point of view of audience about roleof soccer broadcasters.
Key Words
2014 Brazil world cup, soccer broadcasters, professionalism, interest
Study on Change and Electoral Competitiveness of Sport Promises 인문,사회과학편 : 체육관련공약의 변화와 당선경쟁력에 관한 연구
나동규DongKyuNa , 김용은YongEunKim
53(6) 97-112, 2014
Study on Change and Electoral Competitiveness of Sport Promises 인문,사회과학편 : 체육관련공약의 변화와 당선경쟁력에 관한 연구
나동규DongKyuNa , 김용은YongEunKim
This paper studied in the promises of candidates in from the 14th to 19th general election in order to know the change andeffect of sport promises. The subjects of study are 4577 of 6670 candidates who ran for from the 14th to 19th general election,except candidates of political parties who did not win and independent. Data was collected from pamphlet for candidates,platform, a line of election data, policies and promises of candidates and modified for this study. This study conductedfrequency analysis and Two-Way ANOVA by using SPSS WIN 18.0 program. According to the result, the proportion ofcandidates suggesting sport promises increased steadily, and the frequency of sport promises per man generally increased. Asthe result of electoral competitiveness, first, candidates with sport promises had higher electoral competitiveness thancandidates without it. Next, sport promises had significant effects on candidates without storonghold, opposition partycandidates, candidate with less high-school and graduate degree, and non-incumbent.
Key Words
sport promises, general election, electoral competitiveness
A subjective perception system of university female student athletes on sexual harassment and sexual violence 인문,사회과학편 : 대학 여성 운동선수의 성희롱 및 성폭력에 대한 주관적 인식체계
김민철MinChulKim , 홍은아EunAhHong
53(6) 113-121, 2014
A subjective perception system of university female student athletes on sexual harassment and sexual violence 인문,사회과학편 : 대학 여성 운동선수의 성희롱 및 성폭력에 대한 주관적 인식체계
김민철MinChulKim , 홍은아EunAhHong
The purpose of this study is to investigate subjective perception system of university female student athletes in reference tosexual harassment and sexual violence of by using Q-Methodology. The intention of minorities, one of the key characteristicsin Q-Methodology and internal subjective image were considered. The result was drawn into three and these types showed agood explanation with 59(.5917%). Each type was termed as ‘Abandon’ type (type 1), ‘Hope’ type (type 2) and ‘Disbelief’ type(type 3) and the type 1 appeared to be the most significant one. Each type showed that the female athletes never want toexperience any form of sexual harassment or sexual violence. It was perceived that those sexual harrassment and sexualviolence occur due to absolute power given to coaches. This result is expected to contribute to the establishment of relatedpolicies and substantial guideline in order to prevent female athletes from being abused sexually in sporting environment. Various research perspectives and implications were discussed in detail.
Key Words
sexual harassment and sexual violence, university female athletes, Q-Methodology
The Influence of Personality Characteristics on the Relationship among Frontal Cortical Activation, Emotion, and Competitive Anxiety in Bowlers 인문,사회과학편 : 성격특성이 볼링선수들의 전두엽 뇌 활성화와 정서, 경쟁불안간의 관계에 미치는 영향
김지호JiHoKim , 황동재DongJaeHwang , 우민정MinJungWoo
53(6) 123-133, 2014
The Influence of Personality Characteristics on the Relationship among Frontal Cortical Activation, Emotion, and Competitive Anxiety in Bowlers 인문,사회과학편 : 성격특성이 볼링선수들의 전두엽 뇌 활성화와 정서, 경쟁불안간의 관계에 미치는 영향
김지호JiHoKim , 황동재DongJaeHwang , 우민정MinJungWoo
The purpose of this study is to investigate a relationship between frontal EEG asymmetry score(FAS), left or right frontal brainactivation during rest and psychological variables such as emotion, anxiety and competitive anxiety in bowlers and to look intowhether the relationship differs according to personality characteristics. The subjects of this study were 38 elite bowlers andthe average age was 15.7 years old with two years and three months of the average bowling career. PANAS, trait-anxiety,state-anxiety, competitive trait anxiety, competitive state anxiety, personality characteristics was measured. Frontal, prefrontal,lateral-frontal, temporal region’s cortical activation was collected. Extroversion group’s low-alpha frontal FAS and negativeemotion had negative correlation. Also, extroversion group’s Fp1, Fp2, F3, F4, F7 region had negative correlation betweenhigh-alpha and positive emotion. However, introversion group had no significant correlation. Divided FAS, PSD groups ashigh, low and then investigate difference of psychological variables. High frontal low-alpha group had lower negative emotionthen low group. And high frontal theta group had higher self-confidence then low group. Additionally, high high-alpha PSDgroup, Fp1, Fp2 region, had higher trait anxiety then low group.
The Relationship among Psychological Empowerment, Affective Organizational Commitment and Organizational Citizenship Behavior by Empowering Leadership of University Baseball Leaders 인문,사회과학편 : 대학야구 지도자들의 임파워링 리더십에 따른 선수들의 심리적 임파워먼트, 정서적 조직몰입 및 조직시민행동 간의 구조적 관계
배정섭JungSupBae , 원도연DoYeonWon , 조광민KwangMinCho
53(6) 135-150, 2014
The Relationship among Psychological Empowerment, Affective Organizational Commitment and Organizational Citizenship Behavior by Empowering Leadership of University Baseball Leaders 인문,사회과학편 : 대학야구 지도자들의 임파워링 리더십에 따른 선수들의 심리적 임파워먼트, 정서적 조직몰입 및 조직시민행동 간의 구조적 관계
배정섭JungSupBae , 원도연DoYeonWon , 조광민KwangMinCho
The current study was aimed to investigate the structural relationships among psychological empowerment, affectiveorganizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior by empowering leadership of university baseball leaders. Inthis study, 201 surveys were collected and the participants were university baseball players. Data were analyzed usingfrequency analysis, reliability analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, correlation, and structural equation modeling techniques. The results were as follows. First, empowering leadership had a positive effect on psychological empowerment. Second,empowering leadership had a positive effect on affective organizational commitment. Third, empowering leadership did notaffect on organizational citizenship behavior. Fourth, psychological empowerment had a positive effect on affectiveorganizational commitment. Fifth, psychological empowerment had a positive effect on organizational citizenship behavior. Sixth, affective organizational commitment had a positive effect on organizational citizenship behavior. Seventh, psychologicalempowerment fully mediated the relationship between empowering leadership and organizational citizenship behavior.
The purpose of this study was to explore the reason why seniors avoid to participate in leisure sports and also improvementplans for programs which is in operation for organizing an effective leisure sports programs. Nine people were chosen as asubject for this study, including senior administrative workers(2), senior sports researchers(2), senior leisure sports trainer(2),participants in senior’s leisure sports programs(3) and so on. Data was collected by depths interview and processed withqualitative research method. The result is as follows. The reasons why seniors avoid to participate in leisure sports are theage-related factor, lack of time, economic polarization, type of household, education level, budget planning, simplification ofsports program, partners, trainers, lack of recognition on the senior policy, lack of support for the study on the elderly, theprogram trainer factor, satisfaction on daily life, disease and injury. And also, improvement plans for senior’s leisure sportsprograms are the health factor, the economic factor, the social factor, the factor related with facilities and programs, theemotional and psychological factor, the regional character factor and etc. As a result, it is needed to do administrative andfinancial support for enjoying the sports program in senior’s leisure time but also, try to enlighten on justifiability ofparticipating in senior’s physical education and sports programs linked with the university and the government for vitalizingsenior’s leisure sports programs.
The Concept of Multidimensional Constructs and Scale of Sport Anger 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠 분노의 다차원적 구성 개념과 척도 개발
최마리MaRiChoi , 박상혁SangHyukPark
53(6) 167-178, 2014
The Concept of Multidimensional Constructs and Scale of Sport Anger 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠 분노의 다차원적 구성 개념과 척도 개발
최마리MaRiChoi , 박상혁SangHyukPark
This study was to find the situation caused anger in competition, and to develop the sport anger scale. For this purpose, theopen questionnaire was conducted to 780 athletes. Then the collected data was analyzed by the verification of intrinsicstructure and psychometric validity. The results were as follows: this scale was identified 5 factors and 15 questions such asunfair judgement, competition environment, performance degrade, lack of team cohesion, opponent’s gamesmanship. Also, theathlete who had low trait-anger felt anger, when he/she experienced unfair judgement. other athlete who higher trait-anger feltanger when he/she showed opponent’s rude behavior. Moreover, the trait anger was closely related with performance degrade. Therefore, these results were discussed by theoretical background and the studies related to arousing anger in variousenvironmental.
Key Words
unfair judgement, competition environment, performance degrade, Lack of team cohesion, gamesmanship
Bilateral Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation Protocol and Upper Limb Motor Recovery for Chronic Stroke 인문,사회과학편 : 양측성 근 전기자극 기법을 통한 만성 뇌졸중 환자의 상지 운동기능 회복
53(6) 179-190, 2014
Bilateral Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation Protocol and Upper Limb Motor Recovery for Chronic Stroke 인문,사회과학편 : 양측성 근 전기자극 기법을 통한 만성 뇌졸중 환자의 상지 운동기능 회복
The aim of this study is to identify the relative effectiveness of upper limb functional recovery among two experimentalgroups(unilateral NMES treatment group, Bilateral NMES treatment group) and control group. 25 stroke patients wererandomly assigned to 10 bilateral NMES treatment group, 10 unilateral NMES group, 5 control group. All group had pre-test. Two experimal groups received 4 weeks total 12 sessions training protocol treatment accordingly. After training session, theyhad post-test.
The results showed that two experimental group exhibited higher performance score than control group for number of BBmoved, slope, RMSE, impulse of sustained wrist extension respectively. Further, the results confirmed that bilateral NMEStraining protocol is superior training method comparing with unilateral NMES training protocol for upper limb motorfunctional recovery of chronic stroke patients.
Key Words
stroke, motor recovery, bilateral training, neuromuscular eletrical stimulation
Exploring the Concept of Ballet Teaching Professionalism and Its Components 인문,사회과학편 : 발레교수전문성의 개념 및 구성요소 탐색
53(6) 191-206, 2014
Exploring the Concept of Ballet Teaching Professionalism and Its Components 인문,사회과학편 : 발레교수전문성의 개념 및 구성요소 탐색
The purpose of this study was to identify the conception of pedagogical professionalism and its components that professionalballet educators possess. Following qualitative study paradigm, this study progressed from March 2011 to December 2012. Research participants are selected by traditional case selection(Miles & Huberman, 1994) and theoretical sampling(Strauss &Corbin, 1998). For data collection, literature review, pilot study, in-depth interview were used. Data were analysed andinterpretate based on Moustakas(1994) and Polkinghorne(1989)’s phenomenological method. To achieve truthfulness and ethicsof the study on process through self reflection, triangulation, member checks, and peer debriefing were used. The results ofthis study are as follows. First, ballet teaching professionalism refers to the knowledge and skills that have been developedthrough the four aspects of embodied knowledge, lived experience, moral attitude, and great faith. Secondly, the threecomponents of technicality (knowledge on ballet and ballet teaching), artistry (ballet literacy, ballet teaching perspectives) andspirituality (ballet spirit ballet teaching spirit) were identified as ballet educational content knowledge exhibited amongprofessional ballet educators. The study culminates by offering future directions for intertwining research and developingefficient practice in developing ballet teaching professionalism.
A Study on Structural Relations Between the Teachers` Attitudes toward Students and Students` Subject Interest and Learning Engagement in Physical Education Classes 인문,사회과학편 : 체육수업에서 학생을 대하는 교사의 태도와 학생들의 교과흥미도 및 학업참여와의 구조적 관계
53(6) 207-219, 2014
A Study on Structural Relations Between the Teachers` Attitudes toward Students and Students` Subject Interest and Learning Engagement in Physical Education Classes 인문,사회과학편 : 체육수업에서 학생을 대하는 교사의 태도와 학생들의 교과흥미도 및 학업참여와의 구조적 관계
The purpose of this study was to analyze relations between teachers’ attitudes toward their pupils and students’ subjectinterest and learning engagement in physical education classes. The subjects include 430 middle and high school studentssampled through convenience sampling in the Gyeonggi Province. Collected data were put to confirmatory factor analysis andstructural equation modeling analysis with the PASW Ver 18.0 and AMOS 18.0 programs. The findings were as follows: first,PE teachers’ attitudes toward students had statistically positive(+) effects on students’ subject interest. Secondly, students’subject interest had statistically positive(+) effects on their learning engagement. Finally, PE teachers’ attitudes toward studentshad statistically positive(+) effects on students’ learning engagement. Subject interest had mediating effects on relations betweenteachers’ attitudes toward their pupils and students’ learning engagement.
The Middle School Students` Attitudes of Physical Education Teachers` Verbal and Nonverbal Communication 인문,사회과학편 : 체육교사의 언어적,비언어적 커뮤니케이션에 대한 중학생의 태도: Q방법론을 중심으로
53(6) 221-234, 2014
The Middle School Students` Attitudes of Physical Education Teachers` Verbal and Nonverbal Communication 인문,사회과학편 : 체육교사의 언어적,비언어적 커뮤니케이션에 대한 중학생의 태도: Q방법론을 중심으로
The purpose of this study was to investigate the middle school students’ attitudes toward physical education teachers’ verbaland nonverbal communication. For the purpose, this study employed Q methodology. Subjects consisted of 50 students whoattended the middle schools in Busan. Based on the literature and in-depth interviews, 65 items were developed. With 65items, face validity analysis and content analysis were conducted, which resulted in 38 items, used for main analysis. QUANLprogram was used for data analysis, and this study found three types of teachers ‘communication approaches that studentsconsidered important. Firstly, students sought to have teachers’ attentions that the students were interested in, named attentionseeking type. Next, students considered that the effectiveness of delivering class materials was an important asset for teachersto have, named teaching skill seeking type. Lastly, students thought that teachers needed to be capable of making fun-orientedclass atmosphere, named fun seeking type. Most students noted that appearance-related communication types wereunimportant and needed to be discouraged.
Exploring Directions & Tasks for Career Education in Physical Education according to Free Semester System in Middle School 인문,사회과학편 : 자유학기제 시행에 따른 중학교 체육진로교육의 방향과 과제탐색
53(6) 235-246, 2014
Exploring Directions & Tasks for Career Education in Physical Education according to Free Semester System in Middle School 인문,사회과학편 : 자유학기제 시행에 따른 중학교 체육진로교육의 방향과 과제탐색
To date, little attention is given to career education in physical education at middle school level. Mostly, career education inphysical education has been focused on athletic life as only career path in field of physical education and sports and studentathletes in only high school level. In a sense, the purpose of this paper is to explore the directions of career education inPhysical Education (P.E.) and to suggest future tasks for facilitating career education in P.E. according to free semester systemsince 2016. For doing this, it is addressed the characteristics of P.E. model under the free semester system, suggestedalternative terminology like P.E. model in career education, and explored the educational meanings & structure of the model. In addition, it is discussed the directions of tailored career education to implement convergence education in career educationfor non-student athletes, as well as to apply competency development based career education for student athletes. Finally, fivefuture tasks are suggested such as the development of career-testing tool in physical education & sports, opening e-sportscareer web-site, the education & placement of sports career teachers, implementing career experiential & supporting systemthroughout educational donation in sports, and revising school physical education promotion law for facilitating careereducation in P.E.
Key Words
free semester system, middle school, career education, physical education
Physical education teachers` perceptions of students` character related to physical education and character education in physical education 인문,사회과학편 : 학생들의 체육적 인성과 인성교육에 관한 체육교사의 인식
전세명SeaMyungJeon , 박정준JeongJunPark , 김민철InChulKim
53(6) 247-258, 2014
Physical education teachers` perceptions of students` character related to physical education and character education in physical education 인문,사회과학편 : 학생들의 체육적 인성과 인성교육에 관한 체육교사의 인식
전세명SeaMyungJeon , 박정준JeongJunPark , 김민철InChulKim
The purpose of this study is to explore physical education teachers’ perceptions of students’character development related tophysical education and character education in school physical education. By adopting sheffe posteriori tests and frequencyanalysis methods from a four-level Likert Scale survey(n=188), this study analyzed student moral practice in terms ofpredetermined main factors including sincerity, cooperation, justice and care. Although teachers perceived that studentsshowed moral behavior in physical education class, there were certain limitations when transfering moral practice in physicaleducation lessons into their day-to-day life. In addition, teachers responded that they were trying to realize chracter educationin their classes, which can have an influence on the students’ character development in school physical education. However,teachers replied that they faced the significant difficulties when trying to connect moral practice in physical education with thestudent’s daily life. Accordingly, there will be an urgent need of educational programs and initiatives in school physicaleducation for promoting students’ character development which closely links to their life.
Key Words
Character Development in Physical Education, Character Education, Physical Education
Various Strategies Commanding Algorithm during the Game 인문,사회과학편 : 경기 중 다양한 전술구사 알고리즘
최성범SeongBeomChoi , 이지영JiYoungLee , 한태용TaeYongHan
53(6) 259-267, 2014
Various Strategies Commanding Algorithm during the Game 인문,사회과학편 : 경기 중 다양한 전술구사 알고리즘
최성범SeongBeomChoi , 이지영JiYoungLee , 한태용TaeYongHan
The linear assignment problem (LAP) and linear bottleneck assignment problem (LBAP) in mechanical engineering has beenunknown the algorithm to solve the optimal solution within polynomial-time. These problems are classified by NP-hard. Therefore, we can be apply metaheuristic methods or linear programming (LP) software package or Hungarian algorithm (HA)with O(m4) computational complexity. This paper grafts the LAP and LBAP upon position changing strategies in sports. Wesuggest max-sum, attack-oriented max-sum, defense-oriented max-sum and balanced attack-and-defence max-min strategy forthe position changing strategies. Application result of the experimental data, the proposed algorithm can be obtain the optimalsolutions for each strategy with O(㎡) time complexity and only utilized Excel.
Key Words
Athletic performance point, Max-sum, Attack-oriented, Defense-oriented, Balanced attack-and-defence
Effect of Media Type on Media Engagement and Advertising Recall: Moderating Role of Involvement 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠 콘텐츠 시청 시 매체유형이 매체몰입 및 광고회상 정도에 미치는 영향: 관여도의 조절효과를 중심으로
Effect of Media Type on Media Engagement and Advertising Recall: Moderating Role of Involvement 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠 콘텐츠 시청 시 매체유형이 매체몰입 및 광고회상 정도에 미치는 영향: 관여도의 조절효과를 중심으로
Along with the increased usage and its role in the actualization of ubiquitous, mobile media plays an important role in thesport industry. However, relative effect of mobile media, compared to traditional media, on consumer behavior in the sportcontext are rarely studied. Given this reality, the purpose of this study are (1) to examine the effect of media type (mobile vs. TV) on media engagement and advertising recall when watching sport contents, and (2) to investigate the moderating effectof consumer personal characteristics. An experimental study was conducted using factorial design. The study was conductedat a national university in Seoul and data of 161 samples were collected. Finally, data of 147 samples were analyzed. Thequestionnaire was comprised of six parts-demographic, soccer involvement, program attention, need for cognition, mediaengagement, and advertising recall. Through multiple steps of data analysis, although the results revealed that neither mediaplatform (TV and Mobile) had significant effect on media engagement and advertising recall, the high involvement groupdisplayed greater media engagement than low involvement group when viewed through mobile media.
Key Words
Sport Content, Mobile Media, Media Engagement, Advertising Recall, Sport Industrial Convergence
The Influence of the Verbal,Non-verbal Communication of Service Provides in Pro-baseball Stadium on Spectator`s Emotion and Revisit in Tension 인문,사회과학편 : 프로야구 경기장내 서비스제공자의 언어적,비언어적 커뮤니케이션이 관전자 감정과 재방문의도에 미치는 영향
53(6) 283-294, 2014
The Influence of the Verbal,Non-verbal Communication of Service Provides in Pro-baseball Stadium on Spectator`s Emotion and Revisit in Tension 인문,사회과학편 : 프로야구 경기장내 서비스제공자의 언어적,비언어적 커뮤니케이션이 관전자 감정과 재방문의도에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to provide academic information for service providers’ effective communication throughanalyzing the influence of the verbal communication and non-verbal communication of service provides in pro-baseballstadium on spectators’ emotion and revisit intension. For this, Spectators who visited Jamsil Baseball Stadium and Mokdongbaseball Stadium were surveyed and responded to the questionnaire. SPSS 18.0 and AMOS 18.0 were used for analyzingfrequency analysis, reliability analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, correlation analysis, and structural equation modeling. Theresults were as follows: First, service providers’ verbal communication influenced on spectators’ positive emotion. Second,service providers’ verbal communication negatively affected on spectators’ negative emotion. Third, service providers’non-verbal communication did not influence on spectators’ positive emotion. Fourth, service providers’ non-verbalcommunication did not affect on spectators’ positive emotion. Fifth, spectators’ positive emotion had a positive effect on revisitintension. Sixth, spectators’ negative emotion had a positive effect on revisit intension.
Key Words
pro-baseball stadium, communication, service provider, spectators` emotion, revisit intension
The Structural Relationship Among Attribute of Pro-baseball Licensed Product, Attitude toward Team, Viewing Flow, Team Identification, Team Satisfaction and Re-attend Intention 인문,사회과학편 : 프로야구 라이센싱제품속성과 구단태도, 관람플로우, 구단동일시, 구단만족 및 재관람의도의 구조적 관계
53(6) 295-313, 2014
The Structural Relationship Among Attribute of Pro-baseball Licensed Product, Attitude toward Team, Viewing Flow, Team Identification, Team Satisfaction and Re-attend Intention 인문,사회과학편 : 프로야구 라이센싱제품속성과 구단태도, 관람플로우, 구단동일시, 구단만족 및 재관람의도의 구조적 관계
The purpose of this research was to investigate the relationship among the attribute of licensed product perceived byprofessional baseball spectators and attitude toward team, viewing flow, team identification, team satisfaction, and re-attendintension. The subjects were professional baseball spectators over 19 years old, and 673 people from 7 stadiums were sampledusing convenience sampling method. The questionnaires were written using self-administration method. For data processing,648 samples were used. The Cronbach’s alpha test were done using PASW 18.0, and the confirmatory factor analysis and thestructural equation model were made using AMOS 7.0. The results were as follows: First, the attribute of licensed product hadeffect on the attitude toward team and the viewing flow. Second, the attitude toward team and the viewing flow had effecton the team identification. Third, the team identification had effect on the team satisfaction, and the team satisfaction had effecton the re-attend intention. Then, an alternative model was verified and 3 hypotheses were added to make the alternativemodel. The verification results were as follows: First, the attribute of licensed product had effect on the team identification. Second, the attitude toward team had effect on the viewing flow. Third, the attitude toward team had effect on the re-attendintention.
Key Words
attribute of Licensed product, attitude toward team, viewing flow, team identification, team satisfaction, re-attend intention
The Effect of Systems of the Korean Professional Baseball League on Competitive Balance 인문,사회과학편 : 국내 프로야구 경쟁균형을 위한 제도의 효과분석
오승욱SeungWookOh , 한진욱JinWookHan , 최윤동YoonDongChoi
53(6) 315-329, 2014
The Effect of Systems of the Korean Professional Baseball League on Competitive Balance 인문,사회과학편 : 국내 프로야구 경쟁균형을 위한 제도의 효과분석
오승욱SeungWookOh , 한진욱JinWookHan , 최윤동YoonDongChoi
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of the rules instituted to improve an uncertainty of outcome oncompetitive balance in the Korean professional baseball league. Toward this end, six different types of competitive balancemeasures(standard deviation of winning percentage, the ratio standard deviation, Hefindahl-Hirschman Index, adjustedGini-coefficient, competitive balance ratio, and C_t) were employed to determine if the four rules, a draft system, free agent,foreign players, and rule-five system have substantially increased competitive balance in Korean professional baseball league. The results of this study indicated that (1) the FA system had a positive impact on improving competitive balance in KBO (2)when the draft system was implemented in the first year, there was no substantial increase in competitive balance, however,the system improved competitive balance of the league in the second year (3) the system of importing foreign players hadimproved the competitive balance in its first year, whereas there was no effect in the following year, and (4) the second draftsystem improved the competitive balance in the Korean professional baseball league. Discussions and practical implicationswere also suggested.
Key Words
competitive balance, Korean Professional Baseball League, competitive balance measures
The Influence of Pro-Basketball SNS User Satisfaction upon Loyalty, Continuous Use Intention, and Spectatorship Intension 인문,사회과학편 : 프로농구 SNS이용자 만족이 충성도 및 지속사용의도, 관람의도에 미치는 영향
조용찬YongChanCho , 조승현SeungHyunJo , 김종환ChongHwanKim
53(6) 331-343, 2014
The Influence of Pro-Basketball SNS User Satisfaction upon Loyalty, Continuous Use Intention, and Spectatorship Intension 인문,사회과학편 : 프로농구 SNS이용자 만족이 충성도 및 지속사용의도, 관람의도에 미치는 영향
조용찬YongChanCho , 조승현SeungHyunJo , 김종환ChongHwanKim
The purpose of this study was to offer basic data for effective SNS marketing activity. Accordingly, it closely examined theinfluence upon loyalty, continuous use intention, and spectatorship intention by dividing SNS satisfaction. Research subjectswere spectators who visited a stadium to watch domestically KBL pro-basketball game in 2013-14. 403 copies were utilized asanalytical data. Statistical processing was used IBM SPSS version 22.0 program. for hypothesis verification in this study, simplerepression analysis and multiple repression analysis were conducted. The results are as follows. First, usability andcommunication, which are SNS sub-satisfaction factors, had significant influence upon attitudinal and behavioral loyalty. Second, usability, communication, and timeliness, which are SNS sub-satisfaction factors, had significant influence uponcontinuous use intention. Third, usability, which is SNS sub-satisfaction factor, had significant influence upon spectatorshipintention. Fourth, loyalty was indicated to have significant influence upon continuous use intention and spectatorship intention. Fifth, continuous use intention was indicated to have significant influence upon spectatorship intention.
Key Words
SNS satisfaction, continuous use intention, Loyalty, spectatorship intention
Effect of Strategic CSR Type of Sport Companies on behavioral commitment and emotional bond of Customer-Brand Relationship 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠 기업의 전략적 CSR 유형이 소비자-브랜드 관계의 행위적 몰입과 감정적 유대에 미치는 영향
이계석KyeSokLee , 한태용TaeYongHan , 김봉경BongGyungKim
53(6) 345-355, 2014
Effect of Strategic CSR Type of Sport Companies on behavioral commitment and emotional bond of Customer-Brand Relationship 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠 기업의 전략적 CSR 유형이 소비자-브랜드 관계의 행위적 몰입과 감정적 유대에 미치는 영향
이계석KyeSokLee , 한태용TaeYongHan , 김봉경BongGyungKim
The purpose of this study was to find the effects of strategic CSR type on customer-brand relationship of sport companies. Thesubjects were consumer who had experience for buying sport products in the last one year. 887 samples out of 900 samplesthrough convenient sampling method were adopted as a final data. We confirmed the goodness of fit test of the model,utilizing SPSS WIN Ver 18.0, and AMOS 7.0, and after which we tested each hypothesis. The results were as follows; First,economic responsibility of strategic CSR type had a significant influence on behavioral commitment of customer-brandrelationship. Second, economic responsibility of strategic CSR type had a significant influence on emotional bond ofcustomer-brand relationship. Third, social contribution of strategic CSR type had a significant influence on behavioralcommitment of customer-brand relationship. Fourth, social contribution of strategic CSR type had a significant influence onemotional bond of customer-brand relationship. This paper attempts to effect relation strategic CSR type and customer-brandrelationship of sport companies. Utilizing this relationship, it must establish the marketing strategy which can increase theeconomic and social benefit of sport companies.
Key Words
economic responsibility, social contribution, behavioral commitment, emotional bond
Relationship among Subjective Health, Psychological Well-being and Successful Aging of Elderly Participating in Physical Activity 인문,사회과학편 : 신체활동 참여노인의 주관적 건강상태와 심리적 안녕감 및 성공적 노화의 관계
허철무ChulMooHeo , 안상현SangHyunAn
53(6) 357-369, 2014
Relationship among Subjective Health, Psychological Well-being and Successful Aging of Elderly Participating in Physical Activity 인문,사회과학편 : 신체활동 참여노인의 주관적 건강상태와 심리적 안녕감 및 성공적 노화의 관계
허철무ChulMooHeo , 안상현SangHyunAn
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships among subjective health, psychological well-being and successfulaging in elderly participating in physical activity. To attain these purpose, the subjects for data were 235 elderly participatingin physical activity. The results were as following. First, There were significant differences in the psychological well-being andsuccessful aging between elderly of high degree of physical activity and elderly of low degree of physical activity. Elderly ofhigh degree of physical activity showed high scores on psychological well-being and successful aging. Second, subjective healthof elderly participating in physical activity influenced significantly on psychological well-being. Third, subjective health ofelderly participating in physical activity influenced not significantly on successful aging. Fourth, psychological well-being ofelderly participating in physical activity influenced significantly on successful aging.
Relationship among Social Capital, Organizational Culture, Commitment, and Citizenship Behavior of Music Jump Rope Instructors 인문,사회과학편 : 음악줄넘기 지도자의 사회적 자본, 조직문화, 조직몰입 및 조직시민행동 간의 관계
이순오SoonOhLee , 김지태JiTaeKim
53(6) 371-386, 2014
Relationship among Social Capital, Organizational Culture, Commitment, and Citizenship Behavior of Music Jump Rope Instructors 인문,사회과학편 : 음악줄넘기 지도자의 사회적 자본, 조직문화, 조직몰입 및 조직시민행동 간의 관계
이순오SoonOhLee , 김지태JiTaeKim
The purposes of the present study are to explore the causal model relationship among social capital, organizational culture,commitment, and citizenship behavior of music jump rope instructors. For the study, the population was selected from maleand female instructors working in organizations and centers of music jump rope throughout the nation, and a total 266 copiesof questionnaires were extracted by convenience sampling method to be applied according to statistical purposes. For theresearch tool for the study, a questionnaire used in a previous study was revised and complemented to be used. With the aidof assistants who received orientation, questionnaires were distributed to the instructors who participated in workshops formusic jump rope instructors and continuing education for instructors, completed according to the self-administration method,and immediately collected on the spot. For processing the data collected, SPSS 18.0 and Amos 20.0 program were used andstructural equation modeling was used to verify the hypothesis. Significance level was set at α=.05. Results are as follows:First, there were effects of social capital of music jump rope instructors on organizational culture. Second, there were effectsof social capital of music jump rope instructors on commitment. Third, there were not effects of social capital of music jumprope instructors on citizenship behavior. Forth, there were effects of organizational culture of music jump rope organizations)on commitment. Fifth, there were effects of organization culture of music jump rope organizations on citizenship behavior. Sixth, there were effects of commitment of music jump rope instructors on citizenship behavior.
Key Words
social capital, organizational culture, commitment, citizenship behavior
The Relationship among Leisure Constraints, Leisure Constraints Negotiation and Serious Leisure for the Participants in Fitness 인문,사회과학편 : 피트니스 참여자의 여가제약, 여가제약협상 및 진지한 여가의 관계
강희엽HeeYeubKang , 이철원ChulWonLee , 조남흥NamHeungCho
53(6) 387-400, 2014
The Relationship among Leisure Constraints, Leisure Constraints Negotiation and Serious Leisure for the Participants in Fitness 인문,사회과학편 : 피트니스 참여자의 여가제약, 여가제약협상 및 진지한 여가의 관계
강희엽HeeYeubKang , 이철원ChulWonLee , 조남흥NamHeungCho
The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship among leisure constraints, leisure constraints negotiation and seriousleisure for the participants in fitness. To achieve the goal of this study, a total of 320 surveys collected from fitness participantswho have been played in Seoul, Kyong-gi, and Jeon-nam areas by using convenience sampling method. 320 questionnaireswhich is provided to the participants, 307 were returned and used for data analysis, 13 questionnaires which were notreturned or returned incompletely, were eliminated. The collected data were analyzed and interpreted by SPSS 20. Frequencyanalysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, Multiple Linear Regression was performed. Thefollowing are outcomes obtained from the procedures. First, intrapersonal constraints and Structural constraints had negativeeffect on the leisure constraints negotiation. Interpersonal constraints had positive effect on the leisure constraints negotiation. Second, intrapersonal constraints and Structural constraints had negative effect on the serious leisure. Third, finding partner,effort of time and expense, control of intensity, skill acquisition, replenish energy, desire change partially had positive effecton serious leisure.
The Causal Relationship Among Leader-Member Exchange(LMX), Coach Trust, Exercise Commitment, and Performance of Players of Ice Hockey 인문,사회과학편 : 아이스하키 감독-선수의 교환관계(LMX)와 감독신뢰, 운동몰입 및 경기력 간의 인과관계
유창호ChangHoYoo , 오세이EiYiOh
53(6) 401-416, 2014
The Causal Relationship Among Leader-Member Exchange(LMX), Coach Trust, Exercise Commitment, and Performance of Players of Ice Hockey 인문,사회과학편 : 아이스하키 감독-선수의 교환관계(LMX)와 감독신뢰, 운동몰입 및 경기력 간의 인과관계
유창호ChangHoYoo , 오세이EiYiOh
The purpose of the research was to suggest a causal relationship among leader-member exchange, coach trust, exercisecommitment and performance of playersof ice hockey. The population of this research target was registered player of koreasports council in 2013 and 2014, and a total of 135 copies of questionnaires was set as valid samples. The verification of ameasured model and a structural model of collected material was carried out by using Amos 7.0. The questionnaires forleader-member exchange had been developed by Graen & Uhl-Bieni(1995), Scandura & Graen(1984), coach trust had beendeveloped by Cook & Wall(1980), exercise commitment had been developed by Meyer & Allen(1984), Yoon(2008), andperformance had been developed by Kim et al.,(2007), et al., The following results were obtained through the above researchmethod and procedure. First, it appeared that leader-member exchange have a significant influence on coach trust. Second, itappeared that leader-member exchange have a significant influence on performance. Fourth, it appeared that coach trust havea significant influence on exercise commitment. Fifth, it appeared that coach trust have a significant influence on performance,Six, it appeared that exercise commitment have a significant influence on performance
Study on Relations Among Water Leisure Sports Participants` Leisure Motivation, Leisure Flow, Leisure Satisfaction and Psychological Well-being 인문,사회과학편 : 수상레저스포츠 참가자의 여가참여동기와 여가몰입, 여가만족, 심리적 웰빙의 관계
임정미JeongMiLim , 임수원SooWoenLim
53(6) 417-429, 2014
Study on Relations Among Water Leisure Sports Participants` Leisure Motivation, Leisure Flow, Leisure Satisfaction and Psychological Well-being 인문,사회과학편 : 수상레저스포츠 참가자의 여가참여동기와 여가몰입, 여가만족, 심리적 웰빙의 관계
임정미JeongMiLim , 임수원SooWoenLim
This purpose of this study was to examine the causal model in the water leisure sports participants’ their leisure motivation,leisure flow, leisure satisfaction and psychological well-being. For the research purpose, selected those water leisure sportsparticipants who are currently enjoying the sports in Daegu and Gyeongbuk as a population. The samples, the study adopted theconvenience sampling method, one of the non-probability sampling methods, to analyze the data gained from the questionnairewhich had been conducted targeting a total of 389 water leisure sports participants. As for the data analysis, the study used theSPSS WIN 18.0 to carry out the frequency analysis, the reliability analysis and the correlation analysis, and in order to conductthe confirmatory factor analysis as verifying the research model, the study worked on the structural equation model analysis. Thefindings of all those analyses are summarized as follows. First of all, the participants’ leisure motivation had an effect on theleisure flow, the leisure satisfaction and the psychological well-being, and that caused all significant differences. Second, the studyobserved that even though there was a significant difference for the leisure flow had an influence on the leisure satisfaction, nosignificant difference was discovered in connection with the psychological well-being. Third, it turned out that the leisuresatisfaction affected the psychological well-being, and that brought about a significant difference. Based on these results theparticipants of water Leisure sports will know the importance of experiencing leisure as well as the satisfaction for their mental& physical health. Additionally, they will know the satisfaction for their living. Because of psychological well-being and sense ofaccomplishment that comes from a good social relations water leisure sports awards will be popularized as a popular sport.
SNS utilization analysis as frequency of participation and strength of relationship aimed at Dance arts organizations 인문,사회과학편 : 6대륙 무용예술단체의 관계강도별, 참여빈도별 SNS 활용분석
양유나YuNaYang , 염계화GyeWhaYoum
53(6) 431-439, 2014
SNS utilization analysis as frequency of participation and strength of relationship aimed at Dance arts organizations 인문,사회과학편 : 6대륙 무용예술단체의 관계강도별, 참여빈도별 SNS 활용분석
양유나YuNaYang , 염계화GyeWhaYoum
This study was conducted for the overall analysis for the interests, generally and uses of SNS(Social Network Service) of theoverseas dance arts organizations. The subjects of this study were total 3,501 of countries, public, private and personal dancearts organizations in 87 countries on six continents. The selected 532 organizations which operate at least one SNS, andincluded them in this study. Then analyzed the SNS utilization of frequency of participationof as per six continents, types, andstrength of relationship analyzed as per six continents, types. Also analyzed the SNS utilization frequency of participation andstrength of relationship as per the six continental areas and obtained the following result. It’s shown that the participationfrequency was the highest in North America, the lowest in Africa. It’s shown that the participation frequency was the highestin Twitter, the lowest in Youtube. It’s shown that the relationship intensity was the highest in the North American, the lowestAfrica. It’s shown that the relationship intensity was the highest in Facebook, the lowest Africa.
Key Words
SNS, frequency of participation, strength of relationship, dance arts organizations
IPA analysis for Sport for Development Soccer club Member`s League 인문,사회과학편 : 생활체육 축구클럽리그 발전을 위한 IPA 분석
김유정YuJeongKim , 윤양진YangJinYoon
53(6) 441-450, 2014
IPA analysis for Sport for Development Soccer club Member`s League 인문,사회과학편 : 생활체육 축구클럽리그 발전을 위한 IPA 분석
김유정YuJeongKim , 윤양진YangJinYoon
This researcher distributed 319 importance-satisfaction questionnaire sheets about the sport for all soccer club members’ leagueto the members of the soccer club league being currently operated in U City analysis. For collected data, the statisticallysignificant level was all set up as α=.05. And to verify construct validity and conduct frequency analysis, SPSS 21.0 wasutilized, and Cronbach’s α coefficient was calculated for exploratory factor analysis and reliability verification. Also, to verifydifference with IPA (importance-satisfaction), the paired sample t-test was conducted, thereby gaining the following results:First, according to the result of conducting difference verification in terms of importance-satisfaction regarding the sport for allsoccer club members’ league, there was statistically significant difference among all the items of the participant’s(p<.001). Second, according to the result of applying the IPA method and analyzing their recognition on importance-satisfactionregarding the sport for all soccer club members’ league, quadrantⅠ is the part about maintaining the current status andincludes the improvement of self-achievement and life satisfaction, establishment of broad-ranged interpersonal relationship andcultivation of cooperative spirit, Quadrant Ⅱ is the part about the pursuit of intensive effort and includes accessibility to thesoccer field, Quadrant Ⅲ is the part about low rankers and includes the increase of soccer fields and necessary facilities,installation of auxiliary facilities, Quadrant Ⅳ is the part about the sublation of excessive effort and includes the improvementof techniques and the rules and procedures to enroll in the league.
Key Words
IPA Method, Sport for All, Soccer Club League
Relationship among Type D Personality, Exercise, Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors and Cytokines 자연과학편 : D유형 성격과 운동, 심혈관질환 위험인자, 사이토카인의 관계
권정현JeongHyunKwon , 권호준HoJunKwon , 허선SunHur
53(6) 451-461, 2014
Relationship among Type D Personality, Exercise, Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors and Cytokines 자연과학편 : D유형 성격과 운동, 심혈관질환 위험인자, 사이토카인의 관계
권정현JeongHyunKwon , 권호준HoJunKwon , 허선SunHur
The purpose of this study was to determine the association of aerobic exercise and meditation training on cardiovasculardisease risk factors and cytokines in middle-aged women with Type D and non-Type D personality. Type D+exercise, TypeD+non-exercise, non-Type D+exercise and non-Type D+non-exercise volunteered for this study. Aerobic exercise andmeditation were performed 3 days a week for 10 months. Before exercise, weight were significantly positive correlation with%body fat, FBS, and DBP were significantly positive correlation with SBP, FBS, and %body fat was significantly negativecorrelation with TNF-α in Type D+exercise. After exercise, weight were significantly positive correlation with %body fat, FBS,and correlated negatively with TNF-α, %body fat was significantly negative correlation with TNF-α in Type D+exercise group. Before exercise, SBP was significantly positive correlation with DBP and IL-6 were significantly negative correlation with SBP,DBP, HDL-C, FBS, and correlated positively with TG in non-Type D+exercise. After exercise, IL-6 were significantly negativecorrelation with HDL-C and FBS in non-Type D+exercise. In stepwise multiple linear regression analysis showed %body fatwas an independent determinant of TNF-α in Type D+exercise, and HDL-C and FBS were an independent determinants ofIL-6 in non-Type D+exercise.
Key Words
type D personality, exercise, cardiovascular disease risk factors, cytokines, middle-aged women
The Effect of Combined Goat Milk Consumption and Aerobic Training Program on Insulin Resistance and Adipokines in Obese Women 자연과학편 : 산양유 섭취와 운동의 복합처치가 비만여성의 인슐린 저항성 및 아디포카인에 미치는 영향
허선SunHur , 권정현JeongHyunKwon , 권호준HoJunKwon
53(6) 463-473, 2014
The Effect of Combined Goat Milk Consumption and Aerobic Training Program on Insulin Resistance and Adipokines in Obese Women 자연과학편 : 산양유 섭취와 운동의 복합처치가 비만여성의 인슐린 저항성 및 아디포카인에 미치는 영향
허선SunHur , 권정현JeongHyunKwon , 권호준HoJunKwon
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of combined goat milk consumption and aerobic training program for 12weeks on insulin resistance and adipokines in obese women. Fifty five obese females (percent body fat ≥30) were recruited. The subjects were randomly divided into goat milk consumption and exercise training group (combine group, n=19), exercisegroup (n=18), and control group (n=18). Combine group was supplemented with 200 ㎖ of goat milk twice a day during theexperimental periods. Combine group and exercise groups were participated in a supervised training program for 12 weeks ofline dance (60%-70% HRR, 70 minutes a day, 3/week). After exercise training, percent body fat, waist-hip ratio, fasting glucose,insulin, HOMA-IR, and leptin were significantly decreased, and adiponectin was significantly increased in combine group andexercise groups. In conclusion, goat milk consumption was very effective method to improve the body composition, insulinresistance and adipokines.
Key Words
goat milk consumption, aerobic training program, insulin resistance, adipokines, obese women
The Relationship Between Muscular Endurance Fitness, Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Body Mass Index and Metabolic Syndrome Risk Factors Among Male Late-Adolescents in Korea 자연과학편 : 심폐체력, 근지구력 그리고 Body Mass Index 수준이 대사증후군에 미치는 영향: 한국 후기 청소년 남자들을 대상으로
The Relationship Between Muscular Endurance Fitness, Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Body Mass Index and Metabolic Syndrome Risk Factors Among Male Late-Adolescents in Korea 자연과학편 : 심폐체력, 근지구력 그리고 Body Mass Index 수준이 대사증후군에 미치는 영향: 한국 후기 청소년 남자들을 대상으로
The purpose of this study was to investigate the associations between physical fitness, BMI (body mass index) and metabolicsyndrome risk factors in late adolescent Korean males. A total of 453 subjects (18.64±.76 years) participated in thiscross-sectional study. Physical fitness level was determined by 1 mile-run test (cardiorespiratory fitness) and push-ups(muscular endurance fitness). Metabolic syndrome risks were determined by the diagnostic criteria of the National CholesterolEducation Program Adult Treatment Panel-III (NCEP-APT III). After adjustment for age and BMI, muscular endurance fitnesswas inversely correlated (r=-.204, p<.01) with metabolic syndrome risk factors, but not cardiorespiratory fitness. When subjectswere divided into four groups according to BMI and physical fitness levels, subjects with high BMI and low fitness had 4.13times higher risks of having abnormal metabolic syndrome components than those with low BMI and high fitness. Physicalfitness and fatness are strongly associated with increased metabolic syndrome risk factors in late adolescent Korean males,suggesting that the improvements in physical fitness and fatness play an important role in preventing or reducing theincreased risks of metabolic syndrome.
Key Words
male Late-adolescents, muscular endurance fitness, cardiorespiratory fitness, metabolic syndrome
Evaluation of Physical Activity and Level in Normal Weight and Overweight or Obese Children and Adolescents by Accelerometer 자연과학편 : 동작가속도계를 활용한 소아청소년의 체질량지수에 따른 신체활동량 및 활동수준 평가
박봉섭BongSupPark , 안근희GeunHeeAn
53(6) 485-493, 2014
Evaluation of Physical Activity and Level in Normal Weight and Overweight or Obese Children and Adolescents by Accelerometer 자연과학편 : 동작가속도계를 활용한 소아청소년의 체질량지수에 따른 신체활동량 및 활동수준 평가
박봉섭BongSupPark , 안근희GeunHeeAn
Under the goal of evaluating the physical activities and levels of children and adolescents according to their BMI, this studyhad a total of 151 children and adolescents wear an accelerometer for a week, divided them into one normal weight and oneobese group, and analyzed the results. The findings are as follows: first, the obese group had more average physical activitiesbut recorded significantly lower steps than the normal weight group among elementary school students. Elementary schoolstudents in the normal weight group had significantly more mean steps than their middle and high school counterparts. Second, the normal weight group had significantly more hours of activity than the obese group in the middle intensity ofphysical activity among elementary school students and in the low and high intensity of physical activity among middle andhigh school students. Finally, the amount of physical activity had the closest correlations with total energy expenditure, beingfollowed by steps. There were significant correlations in all 1~8 METs of total energy expenditure in the normal weight groupand only in 2~4 METs in the obese group. Those findings suggest that female children and adolescents participating in noregular physical activity programs need to increase their minimum physical activities and that obese middle and high schoolstudents especially need to increase hours of activity across various levels of physical activity.
Key Words
Accelerometer, BMI, female, METs
The Effect of the Frequency of Plyometric Training Participation on Power and Agility of Students Preparing for Entrance to College of Physical Education 자연과학편 : 체육계열 학과 입시생의 플라이오메트릭 트레이닝 참여 빈도가 순발력과 민첩성에 미치는 영향
The Effect of the Frequency of Plyometric Training Participation on Power and Agility of Students Preparing for Entrance to College of Physical Education 자연과학편 : 체육계열 학과 입시생의 플라이오메트릭 트레이닝 참여 빈도가 순발력과 민첩성에 미치는 영향
This study aims to examine the effective practice time for practice of each collage and to provide systematic entranceexamination preparation data for students, who prepare for entrance to college of physical education. For this study, a totalof 60 students studying in the institute for entrance to college of physical education in S City were chosen as research subjectsand 3times/week plyometric training was conducted along with entrance examination exercise for 30 minutes and for 6 weeks. After that, this study analyzed if there were differences in power and agility among the groups that did training regularly, didintensive training along with 1 time/week entrance examination exercise for 90 minutes on Saturday and only did entranceexamination exercise. For data processing, descriptive statistic analysis and Two-way ANOVA were carried out using theWindow SPSS 18.0 statistical program. As a result, for male students, the group that did regular plyometric training(3times/week, for 30 minutes) along with entrance examination exercise, showed an improvement in standing long jump thanthe group that did intensive plyometric training(1 time/week, for 90 minutes) along with entrance examination exercise, butthere were no significant differences. Also, most of female students showedno differences.
The relationship between physical activity and the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in Korean postmenopausal women 자연과학편 : 한국 폐경 후 여성의 신체활동과 대사증후군 유병률과의 관계
53(6) 505-513, 2014
The relationship between physical activity and the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in Korean postmenopausal women 자연과학편 : 한국 폐경 후 여성의 신체활동과 대사증후군 유병률과의 관계
The purpose of this study was to determine the beneficial frequency, intensity, and type of exercise that could minimize theprevalence of metabolic syndrome for Korean postmenopausal women. A total of 1,486 postmenopausal women completed theKorean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) that assessed the: risk factors for metabolic syndrome(systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, fasting glucose, and waistcircumference), physical activity intensity (high, or middle), frequency of activity (times/week), type of activity (resistanceexercise, walking, or flexibility exercise), resting heart rate, and HbA1C. The data were analyzed using complex-samplesanalysis, descriptive statistics, contingency table analysis, and multivariate logistic regression. Postmenopausal women, whoexercised three to four times a week at a middle level of intensity (.53 [95%CI, .28-.98]), in either resistance exercise (.29[95%CI, .12-.71]), or flexibility exercise (.43 [95%CI, .26-.72]) were found to have a lower odds ratio for metabolic syndrome,when compared to postmenopausal women who exercised only one to two times a week, given the same exercise levels andafter adjusting for age. The exercise factors of intensity, frequency, and type of physical activity were found to be associatedwith the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in Korean postmenopausal women. Health strategies that address metabolicsyndrome in postmenopausal women should focus on increasing physical activities level, by using exercises of a middleintensity level, flexibility or resistance training, with a frequency of three or four times per week.
Key Words
Metabolic syndrome, physical activity, postmenopausal women
Effect of Dimensionless Number about Joint Moment of Low Legs and Analysis of Gait Pattern by Gender 자연과학편 : 보행시 하지 관절 모멘트에 대한 Dimensionless number의 효과 및 성별간 보행패턴
53(6) 515-529, 2014
Effect of Dimensionless Number about Joint Moment of Low Legs and Analysis of Gait Pattern by Gender 자연과학편 : 보행시 하지 관절 모멘트에 대한 Dimensionless number의 효과 및 성별간 보행패턴
The purposes of this study were to evaluate the effect of normalization by dimensionless number of Hof(1996) and to analysisthe gait pattern for 20s Korean males and females. Subjects are selected in accordance with classification system of Koreanstandard body figure and age. Experimental equipments are the Motion capture system and force plate. Subjects who arewalked at a self-selected normal walking speed were photographed using the Motion capture system and analyzed using 3Dmotion analysis method with OrthoTrak, Cortex, Matlab and SPSS for a statistical test. The gait analysis data had significantgender differences in sagittal plane and horizontal plane of the pelvic tilt. When used to pre-post data of normalized moment,there are no differences of statistical significances between gender in keen joint and ankle joint. But statistical results aboutmoment of hip joint is changed. I concluded that gait research for mutual comparison requires a normalization bydimensionless number about kinetic variables as moment to eliminate the effects of the body size and to accurate statisticalanalysis.
Key Words
normalization, gait, gender, dimensionless, standardization, moment
Construction of Evaluation Chart based on Change of Physique and Motor Fitness with Age during Preschool Children 자연과학편 : 유아의 체격,운동능력을 중심으로 연령증가변화를 파악하기 위한 평가차트의 구축
Fujii Katsunori , Tanaka Nozomi , 김준동JunDongKim
53(6) 531-540, 2014
Construction of Evaluation Chart based on Change of Physique and Motor Fitness with Age during Preschool Children 자연과학편 : 유아의 체격,운동능력을 중심으로 연령증가변화를 파악하기 위한 평가차트의 구축
Fujii Katsunori , Tanaka Nozomi , 김준동JunDongKim
In this study we applied least squares approximation to exact monthly age over a three-year span for physique, bodycomposition and motor fitness in 3- and 5-year-old Japanese children, and examined the age composition. The subjects werepreschool children in some kindergartens of Aichi prefecture. They included 318 boys and 332 girls enrolled in the study inMay 2009. The physical attributes measured were height, weight for physique, and body fat, muscle percentage for bodycomposition, and 20 m dash, standing long jump, tennis ball throw, and jump over-and-under for motor fitness. A leastsquares approximation polynomial was applied to the measured values for physique and motor fitness at exact month of age. A change with age was seen in height and weight for both boys and girls, and from a primary to cubic regression polynomialwas valid. However, no change with age in body fat and muscle percentage were seen. Changes with age in physical fitnessitems were seen in both boys and girls for 20 m dash, standing long jump, tennis ball throw and jump over-and-under. Inphysique, cubic regression polynomials were valid for height in boys, and primary regression polynomials were valid forweight in boys and height and weight in girls. All of these are items for which from a primary regression to cubic polynomialwere valid. An attempt was made to construct a regression evaluation chart for month of age with consideration of this agecomposition.
Key Words
physique, motor ability, age change, Least squares approximation polynomial
Development of Regression Equation to Estimate Percent Body Fat in the Cadet during Basic Military Training 자연과학편 : 기초군사훈련 신입생도를 위한 체지방추정식 개발
53(6) 541-550, 2014
Development of Regression Equation to Estimate Percent Body Fat in the Cadet during Basic Military Training 자연과학편 : 기초군사훈련 신입생도를 위한 체지방추정식 개발
The purpose of the study was to develop an equation to estimate percent body fat for cadet during Basic Military Training. The participants of the study were 242 cadets and were divided into two groups: validation and cross-validation groups. Weight, height, circumferences (chest, waist, thigh, hip, and shoulder width) were measured. Percent body fat was measuredby InBody 230 and 720. The new equation was developed from validation group using multiple regression analysis. Theequation is valid to estimate measured percent body fat in comparison to the equations developed by other researchers, whenthose equations applied to cross-validation group in the currnet study (R2=.519, SEE=4.657, TE=4.798). The result of the currentstudy will be useful for estimating body fat of cadet during the Basic Military Training or in other circumstances since thevariables that must be measured are easy to measure and acquire in comparison to the variables included in the equationsdeveloped by other researchers. Furthermore, estimated percent body fat will be meaningful data for discipline officers andArmy surgeon to take care of health and fitness of cadets.
Key Words
Basic Military Training, Body fat, Cadet, Circumferences, Regression equation
The Experience Search for Poomsae Match by using Mixed method 자연과학편 : 혼합연구방법을 적용한 태권도 품새 경기 경험 탐색
This paper has purpose to explore the evaluation items, evaluation process, and evaluation criteria of Poomsae related to thejudgement of Taekwondo Poomsae match. Mixed methods were used for this research. In qualitative research, participationobservation and indepth-interview were conducted, and, in quantitative research, questionnaire survey analysis wereconducted. In indepth- interview, 3 experts were selected as participants, and, with 80 referees, 42 questionnaires were used. In data analysis, text analysis and cross analysis were conducted. First, according to the qualitative data analysis, the lack oftransparency and objectivity for the judgement of Taekwondo Poomsae match and incompatibility for the rule of TaekwondoPoomsae match. Second, according to the quantitative data analysis, transparency, objectivity, teaching for referees,professionalism, and rules were negative. Especially, transparency (64.8%), objectivity(78.6%), teaching for refrees(64.3%),professionalism(64.3%), and compatibility for the rule of Taekwondo Poomsae match were in order.